Friday, November 30, 2007


I am sitting at my parents home.
It's about, roughly, 26.3 degrees Fahrenheit outside.
And of course, doing as I do, it's midnight and a quarter.

Lindsey and I sit at number 4 and 5 on the waiting list for this School of Photography I in Kona, Hawaii. She initially began at 14 and I a few months later, at 9, so we've moved down a handful in recent weeks which has been utterly encouraging. She brought up yesterday that in five weeks exactly we'll be flying to Kona... which would mean now, it's four weeks six days. Or wait - it's past midnight, so four weeks five days. Who's counting when math is so easy? That sarcasm didn't fit, and yet I put it right there anyhow.

Three more weeks left of work.
I like my job and I have been blessed by it in the past 3 years and love the relationships with the people there, but it is time for something new. Life was getting dry and low until we purchased those one way plane tickets to Hawaii. Dang I hate sitting still. I don't like to let the ball stop rolling, particularly once it begins and is gaining momentum. As a snowball rolls down a hill and gains mass and volume, once it ceases to roll any further - good luck getting it to budge. Those things are heavy. I confess - well, perhaps it is no confession, but at the risk of seeming wanton I will tell you that being back in Pullman for longer than 3 months was not my intention. It felt like the ball and stopped. And as the months went by, it felt as though the snow in this ball began to melt, and wet snow is heavier than powdery snow. And wet snow somehow introduces fear, that the ball, will somehow never actually roll again. But seeing as I've been here for nearly 8 months, it would seem obvious that Someone wanted something else...

Eight months is not a long time. At all. It's a fraction and it has flown.
Over a year ago I left on my endeavor to Australia. Over a year ago.
Some of you have watched with waxing anticipation your college graduations, summer vacations, snowboarding lessons, music tours and returned trips to foreign lands. ["The undiscovered country from whose bourn, no traveler returns", though Hamlet spoke of an other place than say, Germany or Queensland. ] All in these past eight months. And look how they have come? Look what you have done, with joy!

With joy we shall have and with joy I have become satisfied - for I was not alway so during this time - with where I have been these past eight months. Savoring family and friendships and rest - and even, being still, and praise God's grace, with hesitation being still to know that He truly is.

And though I do not know if I will for certain, guaranteed or your money back, be in Hawaii for longer than it takes to buy return tickets, I am okay.
Overwhelming moments come, but the past 4 months of uncertainty of whether or not Hawaii would happen, have been peaceful. Have been still and void of anxiety.

If I get in? Praise God!
If I don't? Praise God all the more! For if that is the case, I will certainly be on my knees, for I do not know in any clarity what would be instead.

But I suppose there are ideas of things to happen, and we shall see what transpires from all of this.

And now it is one am.

I'm going to bed.


[For some clarity - my friend Lindsey (TX) and I have been accepted into this photography school offered by University of the Nations in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii - however it is the only school of it's kind in the world and therefore there is a lot of demand for it. We have been accepted, but are on the waiting list. They do not, however, cut off acceptance or the chance of it until the first day of class (January 4th). Therefore Lindsey and I have purchased one way plane tickets to Kona for January 2nd. If we get in between now and the first day of class, then yay! Otherwise, I suppose we will have a nice vacation in the midst of a very cold winter, and will probably come back to the continental US, and will pray - a lot - because we do not know what else God will/would have us do at this time.]

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